Full notation: VFL II.
Title: Veszprém Episcopate Economic Archives
Description levels: fond group
According to the old episcopal property management, this unit is divided into the documents of the central stewardship and the three episcopal lordships – Veszprém, Karád, Sümeg – originating mostly from the late 18th and the early 19th centuries. This document bundle with troubled history does not constitute full series due to multiple relocation and scrapping. Its current division was devised by episcopal archivist János Pfeiffer in the 1930’s, there have been only minor modifications in its structure. The fond group contains mostly financial statements, economic statements and fundual books of each settlement. Its significant series is the Periratok [Lawsuit documents] of 18-19th century court cases in defense of the episcopal estates (1732–1860, VFL II.1.a. 9.). (The maps of the episcopate’s estates constitute a separate subfond among the Collections: VFL IX. 7. a.)
The fonds in the fond group: