The stock of the archives is divided into fonds, i.e. document groups issued by certain document creating organizations and institutions; based on historical and archival aspects these fonds constitute fond groups. Our archives currently contain nine fond groups comprising 700 running meters of documents. This document quantity is continuously increasing due to document handovers from institutions and submissions from parishes and deaneries.
As a result of the archival revision in 2013, the newly established system has a hierarchical structure: fond groups, fonds, subfonds, series and subseries constitute the archival structure; in marking, we introduced a system similar to the national archives. The fond groups are marked with Roman numerals, within them the fonds are marked with Arabic numbers, the subfonds (if any) are marked with lowercase letters, and again the series and subseries are marked with Arabic numerals.
About the description of the document stock, see the common finding aid of the Hungarian ecclesiastical archives.
The fond groups of the archives:
Full notation: VFL I.
Title: Veszprémi püspöki levéltár [Veszprém episcopal archives]
Description levels: fond group
The majority of the documents stored in our archives is comprised by the first fond group which consists of five fonds. They are the diocesan authority, the late diocesan school inspectorate, the Holy See acting in ecclesiastical judging – typically from the second half of the 18th century – as well as the documents of the diocesan construction bureau and the diocesan economic office generated from the second half of the 20th century.
The fonds in the fond group:
Full notation: VFL II.
Title: Veszprém Episcopate Economic Archives
Description levels: fond group
According to the old episcopal property management, this unit is divided into the documents of the central stewardship and the three episcopal lordships – Veszprém, Karád, Sümeg – originating mostly from the late 18th and the early 19th centuries. This document bundle with troubled history does not constitute full series due to multiple relocation and scrapping. Its current division was devised by episcopal archivist János Pfeiffer in the 1930’s, there have been only minor modifications in its structure. The fond group contains mostly financial statements, economic statements and fundual books of each settlement. Its significant series is the Periratok [Lawsuit documents] of 18-19th century court cases in defense of the episcopal estates (1732–1860, VFL II.1.a. 9.). (The maps of the episcopate’s estates constitute a separate subfond among the Collections: VFL IX. 7. a.)
The fonds in the fond group:
Full notation: VFL III.
Title: Veszprém Chapter’s Archives
Description levels: fond group
The cathedral chapter’s archives contain documents mostly from the 18-19th centuries. The documents related to the operations of the board were earlier divided into private and national archival parts. The latter contains the authentic decisions of the chapter, made during the canonic meetings. The extensive correspondence of the board is included in the subfond Correspondentiae (1648–1849, VFL III.1.b.). However almost all of the chapter’s 20th century documents are missing, nothing is known of their whereabouts.
The fonds in the fond group:
Full notation: VFL V.
Title: Veszprém Chapter’s Economic Archives
Description levels: fond group
This fond group was newly created. Similarly to the economic documents of the episcopal archives, this also contains the documents of the central stewardship and the three lordships of the chapter – in the modern era: Kiliti, Merenye and Veszprém. Due to multiple scrapping, the document stock is fragmented, it contains documents mostly from the last third of the 18th century to the middle of the 19th century. Its significance is that the remaining somewhat eight decades of documents constitute continuous series and the similar documents of the lordships report comparable datasets (VFL IV. 2–4.). Furthermore, files and protocols of prosecutor’s and solicitor’s office (Acta Officii Fiscalatus, 1511–1835, VFL IV. 1. a.), documents of manor court (1765–1847, VFL IV. 1.b.), terriers related to the estates of the board (1727–1827, VFL IV. 1. c. 2.) and cellarer’s reports (1766–1830, VFL IV. 1. d.) were also preserved. The oldest economic document from the late Middle Ages, the account book of the Veszprém chapter containing partitions of the chapter’s income, reports of official elections and the history of the subsequent decades in the form of narratives and conscriptions (1495–1534, VFL IV. 1. c. 1. Protocolla Oeconomicalia 1. = MNL OL DF 201634.) is also available in the form of a modern source publication.
The fonds in the fond group:
Full notation: VFL V.
Title: Deanery archives
Description levels: fond group
In case of the deaneries, being on the middle level of the ecclesiastical administration between the diocese and the parishes, the actual pontiff orders which parish priest occupies the dean’s office, therefore in the modern age history of the diocese constant deanery centres were not established. Since in case of changing the parish priests the documents of the deanery office, which are usually not related to the life of the parish, were the first to fall victim to scrapping, therefore the subsistence of the deanery archives is completely accidental. Due to this, the deanery archives can usually be separated from the parish archives. Valuable documents are the reports of the Kaposvár deanery from the middle of the 18th century, the Igal deanery from the early 19th century (1804–1870, VFL V.6.), furthermore the subsisting archives fragments of Csót deanery (19th century – 1991, VFL V. 4.) and Monostorapáti deanery (1903–1978, VFL V. 8.) are extensive.
The fonds in the fond group:
Full notation: VFL VI.
Title: Parish archives
Description levels: fond group
The different parish fonds are of different volume and content. Bigger amount of documents were submitted from the parishes where the parish priests, following the personal contact of the archivists, submitted the archives of their parishes (as deposits). This process started in the first decade of the 2000’s mainly due to the lack of priests and in order to preserve the parish archives. The two fond groups that were established from the submissions have been continuously expanding; currently the fragments of some deaneries (see above) as well as the mostly 20th century documents of nearly eighty parish archives were submitted into the archives of the Veszprém diocese parishes.
At the end of the 1990’s, a less quantity of documents but from more settlements were acquired by our institution in a different way. Following the archbishop’s invitation, dozens of parishes donated the archives their oldest vital records usually from the 18th, in some cases 19th century. In case of many parish archives only these volumes are included in our archives.
From all the parish archives retained in our archives, the documents of the Felsőörs parish (and provostry) partly remaining from the 16th century (1542–1995, VFL VI.47.), and the documents of the formerly only Veszprém parish, the St. Michael parish (1703–1992, VFL VI.157.) are of exceptional value.
The numbering of each fond follows the alphabetical order of the 180 parishes currently operational in the diocese, numbers over 200 represent parish archives operating in the diocese before 1993 but currently belonging to other dioceses. Our fond registry shows only those parish archives whose document material is partly or completely included in our archives.
The order of visiting the parishes is defined by the archivists on the basis of professional aspects (nature of the stored material, level of endangerment). The deposited parish archives are regarded publicly accessible private archives, the ones at the parishes are regarded private archives. About consulting possibilities of the latter, please contact the parish before your personal visit.
The fonds in the fond group:
Full notation: VFL VII.
Title: Archives of institutions (post 1950)
Description levels: fond group
This fond group contains “archivesworthy” documents from diocese-funded public, educational, cultural and social institutions. This newly created unit will hopefully be extended with the submission of documents from the institutions, like kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, social homes, etc.
The fonds in the fond group:
Full notation: VFL VIII
Title: VIII – Bequests
Description levels: fond group
The fond group of priestly bequests is continuously expanding. This contains mainly the document bequests of clerical persons who appointed their diocese or definitely its archives as their heirs. Many personal documents are submitted here by overtaking parish archives. We must note that in the latter case the personal and official issues cannot always be distinguished.
The order within the fond group was defined by the date of the people’s death. We are aware that this may cause problems in the future if bequests of earlier deceased people are submitted from parish archives. The period of the documents are marked in square brackets if the bequest has not been processed. In this case the figures in brackets indicate the years of birth and death of the testator.
Researchers may be primarily interested in later grand provost János Pfeiffer’s huge amount of records about the Veszprém diocese (VFL VIII.31.) but they often consult the bequests of priests who were interested in history, like Jenő Gutheil (VFL VIII.20.), József Horváth (VFL VIII.34.), József Körmendy (VFL VIII.56.), József Lukcsics (VFL VIII.37.) and István Molnár (VFL VIII. 30.). As for the pontiffs of the diocese, the bequests of Károly Hornig (bishop 1888–1917), Nándor Rott (1917–1939, VFL VIII. 11.), József Mindszenty (1944–1945, VFL VIII. 25.) and Bertalan Badalik (1949–1965, VFL VIII. 21.) are still to be processed.
Please note that consulting some materials may violate the rights relating to personality, so please contact the archivist in advance about consulting possibilities.
The fonds in the fond group:
Full notation: VFL IX
Title: IX – Collections
Description levels: fond group
The Collection contains series raised – e.g. maps – or removed from other fonds which cannot be relocated – e.g. seals, seal stamps – as well as thematic collections. Furthermore, you can find here the reproductions, sound and photo collections as well as the earlier, obsolete archival aids. This fond group is home to 165 maps of the archives, including 65 handwritten estate maps (VFL IX.7.). It contains furthermore the documents deposited in our archives, for example research notes of Dr. Frigyes Kahler as well as the obituaries of mainly ecclesiastical persons separately collected since the late 19th century (1896–2014, VFL IX. 2.), priests’ personal record cards (1946–, VFL IX. 8.) and the microfilms made during the exploration of Vatican resources by reserchers of the diocese. This unit is also home to our manuscript collection (VFL IX. 9.) containing theological notes, homily sketches, coverages of historical events, unpublished poems from the 17th century and theses and dissertations based on the material of the archives.
The fonds in the fond group: