Veszprém Archdiocesan Archives
The stock of the archives is divided into fonds, i.e. document groups issued by certain document creating organizations and institutions; based on historical and archival aspects these fonds constitute fond groups. Our archives currently contain nine fond groups comprising 700 running meters of documents. This document quantity is continuously increasing due to document handovers from institutions and submissions from parishes and deaneries.
As a result of the archival revision in 2013, the newly established system has a hierarchical structure: fond groups, fonds, subfonds, series and subseries constitute the archival structure; in marking, we introduced a system similar to the national archives ...

By using our e-research service you can browse the digital records of our documents via the Internet. Some of the uploaded photos are free to consult while the vital records, protocols of canonical visitations, parish history notes of János Pfeiffer and the conscriptions can be consulted for a fee. In the E-könyvtár [E-library] menu our registered researchers with paid subscription can find our book series “Veszprémi egyházmegye múltjából” [From the past of Veszprém diocese], the old registers (so called schematisms) of the Veszprém episcopate and the archival finding aids compiled and typed between 1950–1990. The most popular vital records can be consulted in two ways...

Our archives are primarily open to the public on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. In order to let us provide continuous service to the researchers, please express your intention to consult by telephone (+36-88/426-088) or by e-mail (leveltar at veszpremiersekseg dot hu). We will inform you on our homepage if the e-research service is suspended. Before beginning your research, you have to fill in a data sheet. This sheet contains, besides your personal data, the topic of your research, and your research will be permitted depending on this topic. Please, see below the terms and conditions of research and the use of the consulting room. In case of blocked material you have to submit an application prior to beginning the research...