VFL V. Deanery archives
Full notation: VFL V.
Title: Deanery archives
Description levels: fond group
In case of the deaneries, being on the middle level of the ecclesiastical administration between the diocese and the parishes, the actual pontiff orders which parish priest occupies the dean’s office, therefore in the modern age history of the diocese constant deanery centres were not established. Since in case of changing the parish priests the documents of the deanery office, which are usually not related to the life of the parish, were the first to fall victim to scrapping, therefore the subsistence of the deanery archives is completely accidental. Due to this, the deanery archives can usually be separated from the parish archives. Valuable documents are the reports of the Kaposvár deanery from the middle of the 18th century, the Igal deanery from the early 19th century (1804–1870, VFL V.6.), furthermore the subsisting archives fragments of Csót deanery (19th century – 1991, VFL V. 4.) and Monostorapáti deanery (1903–1978, VFL V. 8.) are extensive.
The fonds in the fond group:
- VFL V.01. Főesperesi számadások
- VFL V.02. Bakonyszombathelyi kerület iratai
- VFL V.03. Balatonfüredi kerület iratai
- VFL V.04. Csóti kerület iratai
- VFL V.05. Devecseri kerület iratai
- VFL V.06. Igali kerület iratai
- VFL V.07. Kaposvári kerület iratai
- VFL V.08. Monostorapáti kerület iratai
- VFL V.09. Nyárádi kerület irata
- VFL V.10. Pápai kerület iratai
- VFL V.11. Sümegi kerület iratai
- VFL V.12. Tapolcai kerület iratai
- VFL V.13. Veszprémi kerület iratai
- VFL V.14. Palotai kerület iratai
- VFL V.15. Városlődi kerület iratai
- VFL V.16. Cseszneki kerület iratai
- VFL V.17. Zirci kerület iratai