Information on E-research
By using our e-research service you can browse the digital records of our documents via the Internet.
Some of the uploaded photos are free to consult while the vital records, protocols of canonical visitations, parish history notes of János Pfeiffer and the conscriptions can be consulted for a fee.
In the E-könyvtár [E-library] menu our registered researchers with paid subscription can find our book series “Veszprémi egyházmegye múltjából” [From the past of Veszprém diocese], the old registers (so called schematisms) of the Veszprém episcopate and the archival finding aids compiled and typed between 1950–1990.
The most popular vital records can be consulted in two ways.
The copies of the parish vital records in our archives were submitted to the episcopal office after the introduction of the civil vital records on October 1, 1895. Due to their structure containing baptismal, marriage and death information mixed, only records older than 90 years can be consulted, for example in 2018 the years between 1895 and 1927. Currently photos are available up to the year 1929, they are available in e-research.
Another way of researching the vital records is consulting the original vital records transported into our archives. For the list of the volumes available for personal on-site consulting click here. The photography of these vital records is in progress, they are continuously made available for e-research.
Using our e-research service, even in case of free photographs, requires registration, which is available in the menu Regisztráció [Registration]
The users of this service are to fill in a form. In this form we ask about the personal data which is required to start the research in the archives, as well as electronic address, furthermore we ask if the researcher wants to get access, besides the free content, to the photos which are available against a fee. A valid registration for the calendar year is required to browse the free content. In case of the paid services you can choose from a fifteen-day, a quarterly or a yearly access. Of course, our visitors who opt for free access can choose to start a paid subscription later without another registration. The required information is available here.
After the registration the researcher receives an automatic confirmation message about the fact of registration (please check the spam folder of the mailbox), and after processing the data we will send another message with the login information. Processing the data and the registration fees may take a few workdays. Thank you for your patience.
Should you have any questions about the registration or the e-service, please contact the colleagues of the archives on the contact addresses.
You can find information about the contents available in e-research on this page.